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Piracy is on the rise, with the pirating of films having increased by 40% during the COVID-19 pandemic. 那些寻找盗版内容的人只需点击三下鼠标就能找到. As the broadcast industry becomes more fragmented, with more content than ever available across a multitude of services, the problem is likely to get worse. With more streaming platforms coming online, 一些想要享受广泛内容的消费者正在转向盗版,以避免不得不订阅他们原本需要的多种服务.   

Furthermore, new streaming platforms are increasingly staggering their launches, entering different markets over a period of months or even years. 因为普通消费者不喜欢等待,想要立即获得最新版本, 大量非法获取的内容以及获取这些内容的方便性使得盗版成为了许多人不可避免的结果. Therefore, 消费者对无法访问备受期待的内容感到沮丧,这是直接面向消费者的平台正在经历的盗版数量不断增长的驱动力. 事实证明了这一点,研究发现,盗版美国.S. TV shows receive 126 billion views a year, with the vast majority of viewers located outside the U.S.. Consequently, 随着越来越多的广播公司和直接面向消费者的平台在不同的时间向不同的地区提供他们的内容, sometimes up to a year after launching in the U.S.,他们需要确保他们能够保护他们的内容免受盗版.

毕竟,盗版是一种极具破坏性的现象.S. alone almost $30 billion a year and resulting in 560,000 industry job losses而数字盗版造成的全球年度收入损失在美国和美国之间 $40 and $97.1 billion in the movie industry. It can also damage a content provider's reputation, as pirated content is often in downgraded quality, 导致该提供者与糟糕的消费者体验相关联. For content owners and providers, the stakes are extremely high, 那么他们如何阻止盗版,保护他们的内容不被世界各地的非法访问呢?

Implementing a Multiplatform Piracy Program

流媒体平台必须通过实施覆盖视频点播流媒体网站的多平台盗版计划来保护其内容, 主动搜索删除和清理热门搜索引擎的前两页. 它们还应该涵盖开源应用程序,如社交媒体网站和Telegram, the latter being a hotbed of pirated content. OpSec Security发现,一家跨国流媒体内容提供商21%的流媒体链接或非法副本出现在社交网站和Telegram上, receiving over 1 million views. Additionally, 广播公司还应该监控像BitTorrent这样的点对点网络和像DropBox这样的网络存储网站,以进一步减少侵权内容传播的风险.

通过覆盖所有基地,并确保他们保持对地区海盗的最新报道, 广播公司和流媒体提供商将能够更好地保护他们的内容,并更深入地了解在哪里以及如何共享这些内容. 使用反盗版工具并与专家合作,将有助于内容所有者确定他们的内容在哪里被分享和滥用,并使他们能够立即对侵权行为进行执法,从而阻止非法分享他们的内容. 因为一些技术也能够精确定位泄露内容的来源, 广播公司和流媒体提供商也有可能对盗版采取法律行动.

Geo-blocking Strategies

Another option for streaming platforms is geo-blocking, a technique favoured by the likes of Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, and BBC iPlayer to name a few. A geo-blocking strategy 将特定Internet内容的可用性限制在某个地理位置 and was a popular antipiracy method before streaming, 当时媒体播放器通过确保dvd的国际发行受到限制,只能在预定地区的设备上播放,从而防止了地区溢出效应. 而由于缺乏物质基础设施,战略发生了变化, the premise remains the same. For example, nowadays, a U.S. 与从美国登录的用户相比,从英国访问Netflix的用户可以看到不同范围的内容.S. 虽然一些用户可以通过使用vpn绕过地理封锁技术, this method is, by and large, an effective way to limit the availability of certain content, which can be a licensing or copyright issue. In addition to this, 这些内容所有者应该与MPA和ACE等行业协会合作,采取统一的方法来解决盗版问题.

Protecting Valuable Content

In recent years, the explosion of direct-to-consumer offerings, propensity to stagger release schedules, and the growing cost of multiple subscriptions for consumers, 这是否导致了盗版数量的增加——尤其是对于一个互联网新手来说,在网上找到非法或未经许可的内容从未如此容易. Currently, illegal downloading of copyrighted materials takes up almost a quarter (24%) of global bandwidth由于消费者可以在网上获得大量非法或未经许可的内容,这个数字可能会增加. With so much at stake for direct-to-consumer content owners, most notably lost revenue, 由于消费者观看降级版和裁员,声誉受损, it is vital they put the protections in place to mitigate the risk, 放慢速度,最终将那些寻找盗版内容的人转移到合法服务上. 只有与合适的合作伙伴合作,并实施反盗版工具,才能做到这一点, 这种直接面向消费者的平台将能够扭转盗版的趋势,并在日益饱和的市场中为他们的产品提供未来的保障.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from OpSec Security. 流媒体接受署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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