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SMNYC 2024: 液化石油气edu Founder and 网飞公司 Global Ed Alum Lori Greene Talks Career Pivots and Finding Your Purpose

At 流媒体纽约2024蒂姆·西格林,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体坐下来接受创始人洛里·格林的采访, 液化石油气edu. 格林曾在纽约大学负责全球教育 网飞公司. She discusses the challenges of teaching online and the importance of engaging students. 她还分享了她对职业发展的见解, 强调理解自己目的的重要性的, 个人品牌, 网络, 成为一种积极的力量.


Greene says she was lucky to work at 网飞公司 for four and a half years running Global Education. “我制定了一项教育战略,使我们能够扩大规模, we did training in 20 countries on six continents in many different subject areas of entertainment because 网飞公司 does local content for local audiences using local crew她说。. “That crew isn't always as skilled in global best practices, they all want to be. 所以我们就去训练他们. 在那之后, 我开了自己的教育咨询公司,做教育策略, 课程开发, 电子学习, 现场训练.”

格林还讨论了她的大学教学工作. “我在纽约大学任教15年 纽约大学她说。. “我在 福特汉姆. 我在 寺庙. 事实上,我的福德汉姆院长今天也在这里,我的学员也是. 所以我喜欢教书的想法,因为它真的有助于实现我的目标, 那就是帮助人们做到最好.”

Siglin mentions that both of his parents were teachers and that he never imagined he could stand up in front of a room of students and engage with them in effective ways. “就在上周, 在我经营的慈善机构, 我要给七年级和八年级的四个班级做一个小时的演讲,他说. “正如我所说的 Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, 谁曾经主持过流媒体节目, I was more nervous about that than I've been about [presenting] panels in probably 20 years because seventh and eighth graders are totally real. And they also gave me some really good feedback about their frustrations in streaming, 包括音频, video, 以及延迟问题.”

西格林向格林询问了她在网飞公司的更多经历. “我是疫情前和疫情后的一部分?” Greene tells him she was there only five or six months before the pandemic hit. “So, 你的教学方法和教学方式有什么变化吗, 或者你已经在用变焦版的东西了?西格林说.

“我已经在网上教学了,”格林说. “我已经在网上教了很多年了. 在线教学在很多方面都要困难得多. You have to have a lot of energy and make sure you're constantly changing up your slides, 让他们进行分组讨论, 让他们不只是看着舞台上的圣人,而是去真正思考他们在学习什么.”


西格林向格林询问了她在纽约流媒体公司的职业生涯中所扮演的角色, 节目主持人和主持人的新元素 埃文·夏皮罗 被介绍到流媒体会议.

“I think it was really smart to bring that to the mix because so many people are out of work, 如果他们没有失业, 他们担心失业,格林说. 所以我们有 Jayzen原产地 谈谈如何打造自己的品牌. 之后, we talked about how to take your brand and market it with a panel that I put together [‘Marketing You & 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》,由安迪·庞迪罗(Andy Pondillo)出演 LinkedInDayo Harewood,来自 派拉蒙品牌工作室凯伦·摩根(Karen Morgan)来自美国 摩根搜索国际莎拉·德门科夫,娱乐营销顾问 JustWatch. 这太神奇了! We couldn't get people to leave the room to go to the cocktail party because it was so engaging. I think it was very effective and people seemed to really hunger for it and want to know how they can do better in their career.”

Siglin说, “在某种程度上, 你自己就是个很好的例子, 我曾在一家大公司工作,后来转到液化石油气edu. Do you find people want to just go from one big company to another big company, 还是他们想自己创业?”

“我认为现在人们很难知道,”格林说. “找工作太难了. 我现在正在帮一群学生找实习机会. 我帮人们写简历和LinkedIn资料,还帮人们写个人简介. 真的,我认为他们想要的只是一份让他们满意的工作. 在大公司找份工作太难了. 每个人都在裁员. 每个人都在重新思考. 我知道很多找工作的人只是想要一份工作.”

Siglin说, “我发现这很有趣, 和一些创业公司合作, 人们会适应在家工作的模式吗, 但后来授权下降了, 他们不得不回到办公室, 他们说, ‘No, 我经历过那种自由. 我宁愿离开,做我自己的事.也许他们赚的钱不会那么多, 首先, but it keeps that fulfillment of not having to constantly go back to the office where it felt like busy work or having to sit in your seat as you did in elementary school.”

格林目前是这么说的, the economy is difficult enough that people will return to an office full-time just for the sake of having a job. 仍然, 最终, she views the hybrid model as an ideal mix because working with people in person can be dynamic and fulfilling in ways that a fully work-from-model is not.

Purpose, identity, volunteering: Greene's core career advice for the near-term economy

Siglin问, “What's good career advice that somebody should think about six months from now and a year from now?”

“一定要明白你的目的,”格林说. “Don't just do something for the sake of doing it because there's money there.她还强调要思考作为一个品牌,你是谁. “Jayzen原产地谈到了你是咖啡还是星巴克. 你是商品还是品牌? 所以我认为这非常重要. 然后,在我们的小组讨论中,我们谈了很多关于LinkedIn的力量. I think it has done amazing things for me, I think it's done amazing things for Evan [Shapiro]. 我想这就是很多人发现埃文并雇用他的原因. 对我来说,LinkedIn帮我找到了网飞公司的工作. Somebody I knew that I had worked with when I was at BBC found me on LinkedIn, 我说, “你为什么考虑让我做这份工作??’ And he said, ‘Because I was reading your posts on LinkedIn, I knew you would fit the culture.’”

Greene also highlights the importance of volunteering as another way of career development 网络. “我开始另一项事业的原因之一, 液化石油气公司, which is a marketing and content creation consultancy and 个人品牌, 是因为我是董事会成员吗 纽约通信业女性我的很多客户都来自那里. 所以志愿者! 在这个过程中有很多步骤可以做. 最后,你必须在这方面下功夫,尤其是在目前的经济形势下.”



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, lively debate at 流媒体连接.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: 网飞公司工程师Sujana Sooreddy谈论可持续发展, 指导, 以及流媒体中的女性

流媒体 contributing editor 蒂姆Siglin interviews 网飞公司 engineer Sujana Sooreddy at 流媒体纽约2024. She discusses the challenges of encoding and transcoding content for different formats and devices, she highlights the importance of using data analytics to understand compute usage and viewability of a particular stream. She also talks about the increasing number of women in the field and the value of mentorship within the community.


当学生们读完高二的时候, they should know how much they have yet to learn about financial literacy and maybe even have a good idea of what they want to do in life. This is where streaming media comes in: Online video and books can provide for rich, 专门的独立学习,任何社区有积极的学生.


2024年的教育视频是风暴前的平静还是风暴后的平静? 大流行近在眼前, we approach a crossroads where it will be determined whether enterprise-scale video hosting and management services will remain profitable at the prices that schools are willing to carry in the new normal. 今年我们不太可能越过一个不归路, but I recommend keep­ing an eye out for signs that will either allay or am­plify concerns about the long-term future of schools having a degree of ownership and control of the vid­eo services they rely on.


The revolutionary change over the past 10 years has made production technologies accessible to teachers and even students. 四年前, 当然, almost everyone was forced to rely on educational video to keep schools asfunctional as possible. 今天, we can identify several use cases of teacher-produced educational video that are particularly effective.